• Do transporters provide loading and unloading services as well?

Yes, most of the transporters do provide loading and unloading services in addition to safely transporting your goods to the desired location.

  • Do Transporters have only big vehicles for moving goods?

Most of the transporters in Kanpur provide big vehicles for moving goods. However, if the consignment size is small, the transporter might have their own smaller vehicle like a tempo or arrange for one.

  • Is it possible to track the transporter while goods are be4ing transported?

Yes, many transporters in Kanpur do have the provision of tracking your goods through GPS while they are being transported.

  • How many days in advance should I book a transporter?

Transporters should ideally be booked a week in advance.

  • How much do transporter in Kanpur charge?

The approximate cost of transporting goods within the same city ranges from Rs 1,500 to Rs 3,500 or above. This depends on factors like the size and weight of the goods to be transported and the distance to be covered.